Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Let's say AMIIN

Our big hope which is wrapped in a mini chat
We'll do it soon
Amiin Ya Allah :-)

Saturday, July 31, 2010


“Cinta adalah ketertarikan hebat yang tidak masuk akal, agar sepasang jiwa mengupayakan kebersamaan sebagai pasangan yang menghasilkan keturunan yang melanjutkan kehidupan.
Kasih sayang adalah keputusan sadar untuk menjadikan kebersamaan seseorang dengan pribadi pilihannya sebagai sahabat yang membesarkan kehidupan.
Cinta bisa berlangsung sesaat, dan kasih sayang-lah yang melanjutkannya sampai kapan pun.”
-Mario Teguh-

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Senin, 26 Juli 2010

Something wrong, Sorry :(

I`m not feeling well.
So s
orry for you who disturbed.
I really don't mean to.
This is so not me.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

Almost Paradise ♥♥

Kuta, Lombok.
You'll be surprised with its beauty
More than Kuta in Bali

♥Friday,July 23, 2010

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

Somewhere Out There

Just guess where I was ;)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010


Why does ZodiacFacts always describe my personal accurately?
Do all the Cancers have the same personality?

Wednesday, July 07,2010

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

SHS :`)

Tadi pagi aku lewat SMA N 1 Yk dan disana rame banget banyak mobil. Yap, pemandangan yang hampir sama dengan 3 tahun lalu waktu aku daftar di sana :)
Time runs so fast, that was three years ago.
At the first sight my school looked so strange. Jujur, dulu aku gak minat masuk sana. Dulu pengennya di SMA 3 atau SMA 2, tapi orang tua maksa. Okay, aku cuma bisa nurut. Day after day, month after month, year after year, and now I`ve graduated....................................
SMA 1 Yk, unwanted place at first but the most wanted at the last.

Volley court.
Basketball court.
Parking lot.
I miss every side in my shs :(

Playing truant.
Reading comics at the class.
Watching movies in the middle of lesson.
Sleeping after sport lesson.
Gossiping at canteen.
Wearing headset while teacher give explanation.
Writing on Bucur.
Playing 'Sak Sik Sok' and 'Truth or Dare'.
Scratching on the table 'Aniymon was here :)'
Texting with friends covertly.
Chatting when flag ceremony.
I miss breaking some rules at my shs :(

Study Tour.
Pitulasan Cup.
I miss all of events in my shs :(

SK mates.
Aspada mates.
Teladan 2010.
Teladan 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012.
Security guards.
I miss that people so damn much :(

Could I get all that comfortable place in my college?
Could I do something stupid again?
Could I get unforgettable events like that again?
Could I meet great people like them?

Hopefully I can.. But it will be different. Nothing can replace my shs..

I will keep every moments that I have.
I will..

Monday. July 05, 2010

Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Cheer Up! \☻/

Don't ever afraid with a change. Everyone ever passed that thing. So should we be afraid, worried, or whatever? We have to realize that: Life is unstable. Ya, we just can follow that nature. But here we have to think carefully about the way we use to face that change. Nothing to fear as long as the change is positive. Then, what if that's a negative? Don't be scared, we're blessed with mind and heart. So we can fix that change into a great one.
Sorry, I spoke as if I were the wisest, but I hope it's helpful. Cheer up, don't be sad mate <:-D

Trust, that's the key ☺

Sunday, July 04, 2010