Jumat, 10 Desember 2010


confusion.herrie.shamatë.zhkhor.hayküy.hubbub.rumoer.vryava.homan.rámus.larm.tumulto.kōlāhala.baraonda.sōdō.tumult.enrenou.vakarm.graja.turbarum.kņada.klegėjimas.hangzavar.vikove.chénxiāo.ståhei.paghihiyawan.gwar.brouhaha.vacarm.gomon.graja.mesta.alboroto.hälinä.ståhej.S̄eīyngk̄hrm.şamata.homin.huyên náo.bwrlwm.vavoúra.

Geez! I hate galau in every languages. But lucky me, I`m close w/ galau itself. wth

♥Friday, December 10, 2010

Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

Kopi Luwak

Saat ini sangatlah populer naman "Kopi LuwaK". Semua orang pasti tau apa itu kopi luwak. Peminta kopi luwak ini sangatlah diluar perkiraan. Tapi apakah kalian tahu apa it kopi luwak?

Kopi luwak yaitu buah kopi matang pohon yang dimakan oleh luwak (sejenis musang), kemudian dikeluarkan sebagai kotoran luwak tetapi biji-biji kopi tersebut tidak tercerna sehingga bentuknya masih dalam bentuk biji kopi. Jadi di dalam perut musang biji kopi mengalami proses fermentasi dan dikeluarkan lagi dalam bentuk biji bersama dengan kotoran Luwak. Selanjutnya biji kopi luwak dibersihkan dan diproses seperti kopi biasa.

Kopi luwak merupakan salah satu upaya meningkatkan nilai tambah komoditas kopi, di samping komoditas kopi biasa seperti kopi reguler Arabika (Java coffee) dan kopi reguler Robusta. yang membedakan kopi luwak dengan biji kopi biasa adalah dimakan oleh Luwak (sejenis musang) dan di keluarkan dalam bentuk biji kopi, Sehingga aromanya lebih harum serta ada rasa pahit dan getir asam yang lebih khas dan special.

Kopi luwak merupakan jenis biji kopi yang termahal di dunia, sehingga sampai masuk ke Guiness Book of Records. 4 tahun belakangan ini harga kopi luwak di pasar internasional semakin meningkat, bahkan mencapai US$ 500/kg bentuk biji kering (kadar air 11,5%). Bandingkan dengan harga kopi biasa kualitas nomor 1 yang hanya US$ 4,5/kg.

Kemasyhuran kopi luwak telah terkenal sampai kemancanegara, bahkan di Luar Negeri, terdapat kafe yang menjual kopi luwak (Civet Coffee) dengan harga yang mahal. sejak dahulu, sewaktu penjajahan Belanda kopi luwak sudah menempati posisi pasar paling atas, baik dilihat dari sisi rasa maupun harga. Hanya saja, karena dulu kualitas produk belum terjaga secara kontinyu, harganya meskipun berada di posisi tertinggi tidak bisa dikerek lebih tinggi lagi. Penyebab utamanya, kopi luwak 100% masih tergantung pada alam.

Penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap kopi ternyata masih berlangsung. Hal ini dianggap perlu karena kopi ternyata masih menyimpan banyak manfaat yang belum terekspos. Bagi Anda yang menggemari kopi, inilah beberapa manfaat kopi yang mungkin belum Anda ketahui.


Peminum kopi berkafein cenderung tidak akan mengembangkan penyakit Alzheimer dan Parkinson.

Kandungan antioksidan di dalam kopi akan mencegah kerusakan sel yang dihubungkan dengan Parkinson.

Sedangkan kafein akan menghambat peradangan di dalam otak, yang kerap dikaitkan dengan Alzheimer.


Kopi yang mengandung kaein memiliki kemampuan anti – bakteri dan anti – lengket sehingga dapat menjaga bakteri penyebab lubang menggerogoti lapisan gigi.

Minum kopi secangkir setiap hari terbukti dapat mencegah risiko kanker mulut hingga separuhnya.

Senyawa yang ditemukan di dalam kopi juga dapat membatasi pertumbuhan sel kanker dan kerusakan DNA.


Menjelang masa menopause, wanita yang mengonsumsi 4 (empat) cangkir kopi sehari mengalami penurunan risiko kanker payudara sebesar 38 persen, demikian menurut sebuah studi yang dipublikasikan di The Journal of Nutrition.

Kopi melepaskan phytoestrogen dan flavonoid yang dapat menahan pertumbuhan tumor.

Namun konsumsi kurang dari 4 (empat) cangkir tidak akan mendapatkan manfaat ini.

Mencegah batu empedu. Batu empedu tumbuh ketika lendir di dalam kantong empedu memerangkap kristal – kristal kolesterol.

Xanthine, yang ditemukan di dalam kafein, akan mengurangi lendir dan risiko penyimpanannya.

Dua cangkir kopi atau lebih setiap hari akan membantu proses ini.


Konsumsi 2 – 5 cangkir kopi setiap hari dapat membantu menurunkan risiko kanker kulit nonmelanoma hingga 17 persen.

Kafein dapat memacu kulit untuk membunuh sel – sel prakanker, dan juga menghentikan pertumbuhan tumor.


Orang yang mengonsumsi 3 – 4 cangkir kopi reguler atau kopi decaf (dengan kadar kafein yang dikurangi) akan menurunkan risiko mengembangkan diabetes tipe II hingga 30 persen.

Asam klorogenik dapat membantu mencegah resistensi insulin, yang merupakan pertanda adanya penyakit ini.

Sumber: 5 Manfaat Kopi Luwak

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010



Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Sabtu, 27 November 2010

It hurts

My friends always say 'You have one older brother and one older sister. How lucky you are'
Yes, I`m so lucky. I have two siblings and they are sooo aw aw aw awesome :3 ♥
My brother is smart, an activist, a good leader, etc.
My sister is beautiful, smart, calm, etc.
But it hurts when some of you start comparing me esp w/ my sister.
Oke, I know it.
I know that I'm not as beatiful as her.
I'm not as smart as her.
I'm not as calm as her.
I dont even do a great handwriting like she does.
Fyi, she got first rank on her class and top10 on pararel rank on her school, even top3. Oya, and her IPs are about 3,7...; 3,8...; and 3,9... Almost 4!!!
Not only that, she got 550 for toefl score.
You can imagine how smart she is. But dont ever imagine that she is a bookworm. She actives at TPHP's organization as a secretary and she likes to go play, waste her time with her friends also her boy friend.
I never blame her because she doesnt like a situation when someone compare us.
She always stop the conversation and looks for another topic.
She always says 'We both are just same'.
I think she knows how bad my feeling when someone compares us.
Yaaaa, thats why I love her so much ♥♥
She never makes me feel a difference within us.
I love her more since we are in the same faculty.
We are more compact and have same point of view.
So please, just stop comparing.
I know, we are different. I'm the minus minus minus and she is the plus plus plus, billion of plus.
But please, it hurts. So much.

P.S: I love you my Rahajeng Arumdinari xxo

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rabu, 24 November 2010


I miss both of you mom, dad. Bloody miss you.
I just cant wait to see you on December.
Be fine there.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010


Hello bloggie. Long time no see. Yea actually it would be nice if now I`m in a great mood, but sadly now I`m writing with a really really bad mood *sigh*
Oke lagi-lagi saya dilema. Dan lagi-lagi mendilemakan sesuatu yang sebenernya gak penting. Dan di post ini saya akan ngomong ngelantur dan tidak mudah dipahami.
Kalau dipikir-pikir semua menjadi lebih mudah dan enteng kalo gak ada pikiran-pikiran tentang makhluk bernama pria. Ya gak? Iya kan! Emang.
Okelah lagi-lagi stuck ke masalah ini. Gak penting? Banget.
Tapi ada yang ngganjel banget sekarang ini. Trauma. Iya trauma banget. I`m not really sure but yeah I`m so scared to start it again. Hmmm no. I mean, I`m so scared if it end up with any kind of sadness.
Sial, mau gak mau pengalaman yang dulu tetep aja kebayang. Ini sangat menyiksa, mematikan, dan...... Oke aku mulai lebay. But that`s definitely true.
Aku takut kalo semisal ketergantungan itu muncul dan secara tiba-tiba kondisi tidak memungkinkan untuk lanjut. Aku takut semisal aku nyakitin dia. Aku takut kalo semisal aku gak terlalu yakin.
Aku takut
Aku takut
Aku takut
Aku takut

P.S: Sorry and thanks to you

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

TIP '10


♥Friday, October 01, 2010

Kamis, 02 September 2010

I miss it

micu, phea, wulan, gupi, nanny, tyas, ratih, khofi, jolly, zaky, peppy, mega, mila, tiak, dini, egha, moko, triji, ucik
I miss our laughs. I miss our jokes. I miss our smiles. I miss our grins.
I miss all of you.
I miss that comfy.

Thursday,September 02, 2010

Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Let's say AMIIN

Our big hope which is wrapped in a mini chat
We'll do it soon
Amiin Ya Allah :-)

Saturday, July 31, 2010


“Cinta adalah ketertarikan hebat yang tidak masuk akal, agar sepasang jiwa mengupayakan kebersamaan sebagai pasangan yang menghasilkan keturunan yang melanjutkan kehidupan.
Kasih sayang adalah keputusan sadar untuk menjadikan kebersamaan seseorang dengan pribadi pilihannya sebagai sahabat yang membesarkan kehidupan.
Cinta bisa berlangsung sesaat, dan kasih sayang-lah yang melanjutkannya sampai kapan pun.”
-Mario Teguh-

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Senin, 26 Juli 2010

Something wrong, Sorry :(

I`m not feeling well.
So s
orry for you who disturbed.
I really don't mean to.
This is so not me.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

Almost Paradise ♥♥

Kuta, Lombok.
You'll be surprised with its beauty
More than Kuta in Bali

♥Friday,July 23, 2010

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

Somewhere Out There

Just guess where I was ;)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010


Why does ZodiacFacts always describe my personal accurately?
Do all the Cancers have the same personality?

Wednesday, July 07,2010

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

SHS :`)

Tadi pagi aku lewat SMA N 1 Yk dan disana rame banget banyak mobil. Yap, pemandangan yang hampir sama dengan 3 tahun lalu waktu aku daftar di sana :)
Time runs so fast, that was three years ago.
At the first sight my school looked so strange. Jujur, dulu aku gak minat masuk sana. Dulu pengennya di SMA 3 atau SMA 2, tapi orang tua maksa. Okay, aku cuma bisa nurut. Day after day, month after month, year after year, and now I`ve graduated....................................
SMA 1 Yk, unwanted place at first but the most wanted at the last.

Volley court.
Basketball court.
Parking lot.
I miss every side in my shs :(

Playing truant.
Reading comics at the class.
Watching movies in the middle of lesson.
Sleeping after sport lesson.
Gossiping at canteen.
Wearing headset while teacher give explanation.
Writing on Bucur.
Playing 'Sak Sik Sok' and 'Truth or Dare'.
Scratching on the table 'Aniymon was here :)'
Texting with friends covertly.
Chatting when flag ceremony.
I miss breaking some rules at my shs :(

Study Tour.
Pitulasan Cup.
I miss all of events in my shs :(

SK mates.
Aspada mates.
Teladan 2010.
Teladan 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012.
Security guards.
I miss that people so damn much :(

Could I get all that comfortable place in my college?
Could I do something stupid again?
Could I get unforgettable events like that again?
Could I meet great people like them?

Hopefully I can.. But it will be different. Nothing can replace my shs..

I will keep every moments that I have.
I will..

Monday. July 05, 2010

Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Cheer Up! \☻/

Don't ever afraid with a change. Everyone ever passed that thing. So should we be afraid, worried, or whatever? We have to realize that: Life is unstable. Ya, we just can follow that nature. But here we have to think carefully about the way we use to face that change. Nothing to fear as long as the change is positive. Then, what if that's a negative? Don't be scared, we're blessed with mind and heart. So we can fix that change into a great one.
Sorry, I spoke as if I were the wisest, but I hope it's helpful. Cheer up, don't be sad mate <:-D

Trust, that's the key ☺

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

Akibat Kegalauan

This is a real beauty ;;)
NO! This is the real monstah.
Its name is aniymonster

♥Friday, June 11, 2010

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Forget it

Chybíš mi
idc. oh no idk

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Happy Puppies

Akhirnya kemaren hari Kamis, 3 Juni 2010 aku bisa kumpul sama makhluk-makhluk ini, temen-temen smp ku :))
Seharian gila-gilaan di Happy Puppy nyanyi-nyanyi, teriak-teriak, ngakak-ngakak :D Sumpah seru banget! Kalo sama mereka ditempat mana pun pasi ujungnya jadi seru setengah mampus.
Oke mari kita jabarkan makhluk-makhluk diatas satu per satu (kiri-kanan) :
  • Pinky Arindra Putra, panggilannya Pinky. Bukan pink-y tapi pin-ky tapi temen-temen smp ku pada manggilnya pink-y. Ini temenku dari sd uuu :} Jadi total aku satu sekolah 9taun dan satu kelas sama dia 7taun. BAYANGIN! Ini orang jailnya masyaAllah minta ditampol! Dan kemaren pas karaokean paling banter nyanyinya. Harusnya dia bikin boyband aja sekalian hahahaha :D Sekarang pas SMA ini dia dipanggil jambon. Alumni ganza nih sekarang udah diterima di pertamabangan UPN :)
  • Norman Yoshi Haryono, alias Yoshi. Si juara 1 jebolan smp ku :D Temenku yang polos dan lugu. Biasanya digarapi temen-temen dan gak pernah marah. Nah ini juga udah 6taun belajar di sekolah yang sama dan 4taun sekelas :) Pas kelas 2 sma sekelas lagi sama Yoshi. Ini pelipur lara bener hahaha :D
  • Triemay Diyni Azisah, dih si Diyni ini cantik bangettttt! Kadang kalem tapi sekalinya kalo udah gojek, ketawanya unstoppable banget -.- Sahabatku dari jaman gak enak nih, dari jaman kelas1. Dulu saking deketnya kita punya diary bareng gitu, digilir tiap hari. Sekarang masih tak simpen tuh diarynya hihihi :3 Sebenernya gak banget deh kalo dipikir-pikir tapi sebodo amat namanya juga dulu anak smp :B
  • Ratriani Puspita Hastuti, panggilannya Ani. Itu aku. Skip aja yuuu
  • Rizarindra Dwito Haryadini, nah ini dia si cina badan jumbo. Panggilannya Dwito tapi biasanya dipanggil Toto tapi kalo aku manggil dia gembrot :)) Duo ku nih diahahaha. Udah deket dari kelas1 smp. Deketnya tu bukan karena apa tapi karena aku sering dijadikan bulan-bulanan. Diejekin dan disia-sia. Ini orang emang minta pukul! Tapi dia ini penghibur banget bikin ngakak abis-abisan :DDD
Masih kebayang banget kemaren maen sama mereka :)) Pokoknya cuma ngakak-ngakak, ngomongin orang siapa aja yang bisa diomongin. Muteeer terus gak berhenti-berhenti ngobrol dari A sampe Z terus balik lagi ke A ke Z lagi hahaha :D
Mari liat pose-pose lain yang mengerikan.
Kata gembrot poseku ini pose alay -.-

I love this one :}

Ininih muka si gembrot minta ditapok :))

Ini yang terakhir. Paling berantakan but I like it :D

Hmm kapan-kapan pengen deh maen ke SMP Muhammadiyah 3 lagi hahahaha :D Aku lulusan sana lho anyway (njuk?). Jangan pernah sepelekan sekolah swasta ya :) Emang sih beda jauh sama smp negri favorit, tapi gak tau kenapa juga aku gak nyesel sulu sekolah disana. Mungkin aja kalo aku gak masuk muga aku gak mungkin deh masuk SMA 1 :D Sebenernya tempat itu bukan 100% jaminan, tergantung tiap individunya, yegak? :)
Gak sabar mau ketemu mereka lagi.. See you soon then :D

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

Make a stop to make a new start

I could not figure it out. Why I tortured by these thoughts. Like standing on the fresh green grass but prickly. I just want to get out of this place. Seeing the vast world and stop thinking about bad things of them. Everyone knows the world is beautiful; a great blue sky, magnificent white clouds, fragrant colorful flowers, and the soothing sound of gurgling water.
Here I'm talking about my heart. It's really horrible if you guys know. These shits are really damaging my heart. I've done a lot more activity to throw it away but still...
I just want to arrange my heart, make everything as before. There was no hatred, no bad thoughts, neutral.

Digging further is the worst and horrible way. Just stop it. Come on, Ani. You can, you certainly can. Stand up and look around. They are surrounded by a lot of peace and tranquility. You're supposed to envy about this one thing. Just it no more.

Okay this is the best way, giving suggestions to myself. It's going well so far. Hopefully just stop at here and everything will be good again like the old days. Hmmm I miss that time, really :)

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Anesthetized. Flat.

Something in me goes wrong. Everything seems so straight and my chill face takes its role, flat.
I have to let myself stay alone for a moment. Walk on my own way. Re-fix my thingie. Make the ups and the downs twist my day again. Catch the rainbow and sweep this monotone. Then make a blast!

Time, I need it.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

The Real Holiday :D

Lately I feel the real yeayness! My holiday turns soooooo GREAT :D :D
This incredible holiday began on 25th May. Gupi, Egha, and I went to XXI watched The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus then we went to McD. I was really excited there; met them, had some jokes, then laughed out loud together :D And I took some picts..

At XXI. Those are our tickets

At McD. Left: Egha with his menu; Right: Gupi and I :)

The french fries also burger are mine hahahaha :D Just kidding. The burger one is Gupi`s


On 26th May I spent my day with my super duper ultra bests : Micu, Phea, and Ratih :D
Oh God I had a bad stomachache at that day because I laughed all day long! I think that was my best day in my holiday :))))
We went to Ambarukmo Plaza (photobox!!!!!), then Yoghurtku (we poured by rain), after that we went to Pondok Cabe (our tummy screamed. Asked for some foods :p), and the last stop was Phea`s boarding house.
Actually we took a lot of pict but I only have these ones

Micu, Phea, Me (with gray veil), & Ratih :)

We are cute, aren`t we? Wahahahahaha :D Maybe next time I would upload another picts :9
No doubt, I love 26th May; I love Micu, Phea, and Ratih :}


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

Astuti & Hastuti ♥

I You, Mom

♥Friday, May 21, 2010

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Justin Bieber - That Should be Me

Everybody's laughing in my mind
Rumors spreading 'bout this other guy
Do you do what you did when you did with me
Does he love you the way I can
Did you forget all the plans that you made with me
'cause baby I didn't

That should be me, holdin' your hand
That should be me, makin' you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad
That should be me, that should be me
That should be me, feelin' your kiss
That should be me, buyin' you gifts
This is so wrong, I can't go on, till you believe that
That should be me, that should be me

You said you needed a little time for my mistakes
It's funny how you use that time to have me replaced
But did you think that I wouldn't see you out at the movies
Whatcha doin' to me
You're takin' him where we used to go
Now if you're tryin' to break my heart
It's working 'cause you know that

I need to know should I fight for our love for this long

It's getting harder to shield this pain in my heart

What a song, what a singer.
Everytime I play this song, my tears roll down in silence.
Yah I am touched by this song :```)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Charm Bracelet

Beberapa saat yang lalu aku sering banget baca tweet temenku ngomongin Charm Bracelet. Dan aku penasaran. Apa sih itu? Biasa lah maklum saya anak polos ingusan gatau apa-apa :B
Akhirnya aku tanya ke mbah google. Yap! Aku tau akhirnya.. Ternyata itu gelang (biasanya) perak dan gelang itu ada macem-macem gantungan. Biasanya kan kalo gelang gitu gantungannya seragam, kalo hati ya semuanya hati, kalo bintang ya semuanya bintang, kalo nggak paling selang-seling tapi tetep aja seirama. Kalo Charm Bracelet ini beda-beda tiap gantungannya. Katanya sih gantungan-gantungan itu mewakili si empunya. Bisa jadi itu pribadi kamu, kesukaan, atau harapan-harapan yang kamu pingin. Hmmmm... Menarik nih, aku pikir waktu itu. Dan aku bertekad mau nyari gelang itu huahahaha :D
Kebetulan kemaren ini hari Senin aku pergi sama Wulan. Bingung habis makan mau kemana akhirnya dia ngajak ke Jolie, toko accessories di Pingit tulooo. Pasti deh para awewe tau tempat ini :p
Sampe sana awalnya nyari-nyari kalung tapi gak ada yang sreg. Terus keinget tuh Charm Bracelet. Tapi kok juga gak ada yang sreg. Tiba-tibaaaaa TRING! Aku dapet ide oke nih. How if I make my own Charm Bracelet? Tetoetoeeet dapet wangsit oke nih hahahahaha. Seru tuh kayaknya bikin sendiri :D
Turun ke lantai satu akhirnya milih-milih deh gantungan yang mau aku bikin buat gelangku. Akhirnya aku dapet 2 huruf, hati, gitar, kura-kura, kunci yang tengahnya bentuk hati.
Kenapa aku pilih ini?
  • Dua huruf itu menandakan inisial pastinyooo. Yang satu A, A for Ani. Yang satu lagi bukan A. Tapi sama kayak A, sama-sama susah dicari. Banyak yang punya inisial yang sama soalnya .___.
  • Hati, itu melambangkan cinta. Yah everyone can`t be alive without love kan yaaa? Klasik sih :p
  • Gitar, ini maksudnya aku suka bangetngitngot musik. Maunya sih nyari yang not balok tapi adanya gitar -,-
  • Kura-kura, katanya sih kura-kura membawa keberuntungan. Aku berharapnya kalo aku pake gelang ini Allah ngasih keberuntungannya gak seret hahahaha :D
  • Kunci, maksudnya hatiku sekarang lagi terkunci rapat-rapat cuma bisa dibuka sama................... Jodohku laaaaaah (cihiy :">) Pastinya belom tau siapa orangnya, kayak apa bentuknya. But I believe, I deserve the best one ♥

Nah pagi tadi, hari Selasa aku nganggur gatau mau ngapain akhirnya bikin deh ini gelang. Cuma bentar sekitar 1 jam gitu udah jadi. Puas banget rasanya. Lebih seneng daripada beli jadi. Ada feel-nya sendiri :)
Dan ini dia gelangkyuuuuu

Biasa aja sih tapi aku suka soalnya bikinan sendiri nih, rasanya tetep spesial :} Lumayan lah biar produktif daripada nganggur dirumah. Dan untungnya kalo bikin sendiri jatuhnya jauh lebih murah. Jadi ketagihan bikin-bikin accessories gitu mwihihihi. Wanna try? :3

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

My Spirit :)

My love, my life, my everything..

Oh God I really do love them.
Daddy, oh he is the real man. I never met man like him. Wise, patient, clever, low profile, and I love the way he gives jokes to us :} I always miss him because he has been living in Jakarta and go back home on weekend.

aaaa she is the best mom! Easy going and so amazing. And do you know? She was a dancer when she was young. She has learned dance since kindergarten. Really wow! I cant explain her with words. But I love her so mmmmmmmuch! She always wipes my tears, when I cry in front of her :')

Prima, annoying yet funny. Stubborn yet caring. He always shows his care indirectly. But I really know that he loves us; dad, mom, mbajeng, his girlfriend, and actually meeee! ♥

Mbak Ajeng, genius, sweet, bad tempered yet calm, kind. She loves sharing her stories with us. And she really loves her crazy busy boyfriend mwimwimwi :3 My partner in crime, doing somoronthing then laugh together :D

Thank you for anything that you four give to me. It means everything. Well, I have no words. I can`t explain how it feels. Incredible family. Yes, we are. Although daddy is separated with us but we feel that no distance within us . We are FIVE. Just like a power ranger hahahahaha and I`ll choose the pink one :p Thanks for the warmth, love, understanding, care :) Love you more each day xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxxxx~


Sri Wijayanti Wulandari
Ouch! I often kill my time with her. Cheerful, love laughing, maudlin (just like me :d), caring, and loving. She always be here when I'm lonely. We got this close since second grade. And we always share everything :)

Kurniasih Cahya Paramita
Oh wow! She is a great girl. If you know her well, you'll know how patient she is. I love her thought and the way she speaks. Easy going and simple yet pretty cruel :9 Everything that she wears always match and really good looking :D

Zaky Mudzakir
Heya, MBE (you know what I mean :D) He is so moody, stubborn, caring, smart, and humble. What he said is almost right but I always disobey his suggest :B When I'm in bad condition he gives me spirit and his words make me better. And I'm very glad when he told me a really good news last March :)

Kurnian Febriarto
I called him
Pepoy! Wahuahuahua he is a kind boy (he hates to be called a good boy, sounds like a puppy not a peppy muahahahaha :"""D) He is really caring, patient, faithful, and funny! The way he walks just like a gangster muahahaha :D He knows deeply about my love life :p And I remember, I knew him from bing then we got closer when mxit was a trend :p

Menthikers (Nanny, Tyas, Mila, Tiak, Diny)
Haaaaaaaa I miss them so much! My lil chair mate, Nanny; my craziest friend, Tyas; my lovable friend, Mila; my feminine friend, Tiak; and my careless friend, Diny. Long time no see! Let's meet then share our stories. So miss that time when we hang out together :} Love you five!

Gupi, Khofi, Jolly
Auoooo! The wild friends wuahahaha :D Gupi, always overstate. Khofi, movie maniac. Jolly, the big boss! I love you and I miss you

Ratih & Phea
Wooohoooooo! Ratih the singer and Phea the busy one. Oyeahoyeah really miss them. Gossiping all the time muahahahaha. I wanna go to Kaliurang and Wonosobo for surrrre! Aaaaaaaaa!

Egha & Moko
My ridiculous friends :D Everything gonna be super ultra funny if I meet them. And they are good secret holder :)

Thank God I found you. You give fabulous things that really
unforgettable. Don't ever forget me, please. Remember the whole things that we pass together. Almost three years which fulfilled by laugh smile promises understanding, also tears disappointment mistakes, everything. Thank you for the gorgeous love, togetherness, and friendship. Heart you xoooxooooo~


You give me spirit to keep standing here, face everything that should be faced. I always say thanks to God in every breath that I take, every beat in my heart, every smile on my lips, and every tears on my cheeks for the great things that I get from all of you.
I`m the most fortunate girl because I have great people around me :D

P.S: I finished it when my dad was arriving :D

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010


Life is all about love. But love isn`t all about boys and girls. Mark that.
Some teenagers give bigger space in their life for the boys or the girls than for others (actually I`m talking about myself errrrrr -_________-)

I have to realize and stop doing that stupid thing. But hey it`s not that e-a-s-y you know? Not that easy like swing your hand or wink your eyes. It really hypnotized and easily take my time away.

Time goes by and now I get closer with that word, adult. Yah it`s time to watch and learn; no more `take and give` but `give and take`, more appreciate, know deeply about togetherness and friendship. And the main is know further about Life and Love :-)


P.S: Everything needs sacrifice also sincerity. Hold those things tight and you`ll get better thing on your future, Life and Love :--)

♥ Friday, May 14, 2010

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Million in One

Dealing with previous post, so I post this one. This is it :}

Picture above is my beloved living room. Place in my house that I really love. Why do I write about living room not my own room? Yap I`ll give my excuses.
This is the place where I relate with others; family, friends, neighbour, and tentor. So many things happened there; happiness, worries, sadness, madness, craziness, togetherness, everything. Those sofas, tables, and trinkets are the eyewitness. They know and they see every laughs, tears, jokes, conversations, lessons that I do and get. They know how sad when I cry, how crazy when I laugh, how happy when my love next to me. My living room wrap everything amazingly. Million in one ♥

Time passes by, but every single memory is still saved well. It will be eternal and never fade away :}

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010


I really want to post blog now. But I don`t have any idea to write..
Sounds weird, doesn`t it? -o-
Yah this post is sucha intermezzo, I think :3
Hmmm... I wanna post about one part in my house later. But I`m not really sure about that hahahaha :B
See ya soon! And have a very good nite ppl :D

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

Never Regret

Maybe this is the rule.
Not allowed to write anything about you on this blog.
After I wrote about you, everything became so ugly
Yah it`s kinda bad assumption
But the fact, I still write about you :`)
I got the pain, but I didn`t get the regret.
Sounds good or stupid eh?
Perhaps, both of them

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Alohaaa ♥

To be honest I dont have anything to write
Just wanna say,

Yah I'm waiting for you here.
Only you

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Sabtu, 03 April 2010


Suatu hari aku pergi ke toko buku. Iseng-iseng pergi ke lantai khusus tempat alat tulis. Di sana aku melihat diary sampul pelangi pastel, bergembok bentuk hati. Simpel tapi menarik. Lalu kuputuskan untuk membelinya. Padahal awalnya tidak ada niatan untuk membelinya. Sesampainya di rumah aku membuka bungkusnya perlahan dan hati-hati. Sejak saat itu aku mencurahkan semuanya di buku diary itu. Semuanya yang aku rasakan; marah, senang, sedih, kecewa. Tiada hari tanpa menulis dan terasa sudah sangat dekat tak bisa lepas.

Tapi suatu hari di saat aku sangat semangat untuk mencurahkan ceritaku di diary ku, aku mendapati diaryku hanya tersisa satu lembar. Dan dengan sangat berat aku mengakhiri kisahku dengan diaryku.. Setelah itu kututup diaryku lalu ku gembok dan kusimpan dengan rapi. Sangat singkat tapi juga sangat berkesan menulis di diary itu.

Belakangan ini entah mengapa aku mulai membuka lagi gembok hati diaryku setelah sekian lama. Lembar per lembar kubaca ulang. Sangat jelas tersurat disana. Semua cerita-ceritaku. Walau sudah lama berselang dan sangatlah singkat semua ceritaku masih tersimpan dengan baik.

Dan kini semenjak aku membuka gembok hati diaryku lagi, warna pastel sampul diary itu seperti memenuhi kembali hidupku. Semuanya menjadi sangat terasa sama seperti dulu. Walau kini harus kusadari bahwa aku tak bisa menulis lagi di diaryku itu :`)

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

Thanks :)

"You're someone who can see the truth and pain in me even when I am fooling everyone else"

From the very first time you are the one who can see the truth of me.
Therefore, I called you my best ever.

"Friends will help you the first time. Good friends will help you the second time. Best friends will help you everytime."

Is it true? I hope it`s true.. Because I hardly couldn`t feel it lately, especially you.

"Change is a fact of life. So you can either fight and fail, or accept it and grow."

Okay, just accept it and grow. Life is labile, not stable. It has so many reason to change.
But because of that change, it became too blurry. It seems I couldn`t see anything in you. It seems I don`t know you at all..

But thanks when this crisis came, you`ve turned back. I hope it will be the last time I feel this way.
So big thanks :`)

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Malam Klimaks Latian Ujian I

Kemaren hari Selasa tanggal 19 Januari 2010 hari kedua latian ujian putaran pertama. Alhamdulillah kimia-bahasa inggris gak bikin muntaber kayak matematika hari sebelumnya. Tapi Oh-My-Goat Selasa malemnya itu sama aja klimaks latian ujian. Hari rebonya jatah fisika sama biologi. Belajar mati-matian deh. Awalnya sampe rumah masih biasa aja. Belom terlalu sadar diri sama materi ujian. Pas pegang buku, hmmmm okelah mulai terasa. Pertamanya belajar biologi tapi setelah inget kalo pas pendalaman kemaren aku SAMA SEKALI gak dengerin guru fisika bahas soal aku jadi beralih ke fisika(rgh!). Awal baca masih sabar tenang dan kalem. Nyobain beberapa soal mulai gundah gulana. INI KOK AKU GAK NEMU JAWABAN! Yang salah soalnya apa akunya yang geblek sih? Oke tahap ini aku masih positif thinking kalo soalnya yang salah -____________-
Lanjut soal berikut dan berikutnya, aku mulai sadar kalo aku yang super duper geblek. Astaghfirullah bener gak ada harapan. Hopeless banget rasanya :`(
Gak kuat nahan sendiri akhirnya sms temen-temen berbagi ke-stres-an. Tapi hasilnya aku malah tambah stres soalnya yang laen pada santai dan tampak sangat mahir bermain fisika. Drop hancur lebur. Akhirnya lanjut baca-baca biologi, tapi biologi masih bisa pake feeling ngerjainnya. Nah kalo fisika gak tau rumusnya bubar jalan beneran :`( Gak lama baca biologi lanjut fisika lagi. Udah agak bisa menguasai diri dan alhamdulillah udah mulai cerah, nemu jawaban. Tapi tetep aja banyak banjeeeeeeeeeets yang aku gak ngerti. Tiap aku gak ngerti nomernya aku lingkarin dan hasil akhirnya dari total soal hampir setengah lebih yang tak lingkarin. Udah bermotif polkadot bener deh itu kertasnya. Makin lama makin stres akhirnya aku mutusin buat tidur aja. Pas itu udah jam satu pagi kalo gak salah. Berhubung belom sholat aku sholat Isya dulu (hehehe bandel nih :B).
Pertamanya mau sholat di tempat sholat yang sebenernya cuma depan kamarku persis. Tapi berhubung aku dari awal belajar dibawah, aku jadi gak berani ke atas soalnya kakak-kakakku pada hijrah tidur dibawah.
Jgrek! Aku buka pintu kamar depan dan otomatis langsung kedinginan. Gila! Ini masang berapa derajat berasa di kutub brrrr~ Tapi ya gapapa deh daripada di atas malah takut sholatnya ga kusyu. Pas mau wudlu aku jadi malah niat banget sholat tahajud, mumpung tadi aku pas belajar sempet ketiduran :B
Ambil air wudlu juga gak kalah dinginnya. Udah kayak air es -_____-
Abis itu aku sholat isya empat rakaat. Selesai itu aku langsung sholat tahajud dan SUBHANALLAH BANGET! Pas mulai takbir, jantungku berdebar keras banget. Tambah lagi pas baca surat-surat. Makin lama makin kenceng. Gatau kenapa pas itu aku ngerasain betapa Agungnya Allah. Setiap nyebut nama-Nya jantungku terasa berdesir nyaman. Dan seketika aku ngerasa badanku hangat. Hangat dan terlindungi. Nyamaaaaan banget rasanya :`) :`) :`) :`)
Allah emang satu-satunya. Satu-satunya tempat mengadu, meminta, dan tempat mencari perlindungan. Subhanallah banget. Abis selesai witir rasanya lega banget dah gak ada beban dan gundah gulana hilang gitu aja. Selesai witir aku dzikir, makin kerasa hangatnya. Pas itu ku ngerasa ada malaikat-malaikat disekitarku ikut meng-amiin-i doaku. Yah semoga aja beneran pas itu aku didampingi banyak malaikat :)
Dan alhamdulillah abis itu aku bisa tidur pulas. Tepatnya jam tiga pagi aku bisa tidur nyenyak :)

I l♥ve You, Allah :`)

Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Apa itu ♥?

Apa itu cinta? Hmmm... Barusan aja aku baca note facebook-ku yang judulnya itu. Jadi keinget dan kepikiran deh. Dulu lagi dongkol banget sama cowok dan akhirnya nulis itu ~hahaha malah curcol (curhat colongan) :p
Sampe sekarang aku masih bingung sama hal itu. Apa itu cinta?
Aku pernah dapet definisi sayang dan suka tapi ya versiku sendiri. Tapi sampe sekarang aku masih gak tau apa itu cinta?
Dan sekarang aku mikir lagi. Cinta itu bukan hal yang bisa didefinisikan dengan kata-kata. Cuma bisa dirasain dan diresapi ~cieeeeh :p
Sama juga kayak sayang dan suka. Aku dapet definisinya cuma dari apa yang aku rasain. Menurut pendapatku dan menurut yang aku alamin. Gak perlu benar atau salah untuk menilai definisi itu. Karena itu hal yang murni kita rasain yang kita alamin; gak cukup cuma kata-kata penjabaran. Pastinya semua orang pernah ngerasain. Bohong banget kalo ada yang bilang gak pernah ngerasain ini.
Dan semua orang tau cinta sayang dan suka itu campur aduk. Ada manis pait asem pedes dan kecutnya :}